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Feb 28, 2022

Today Jim and Mike check out a Florida bourbon from Sanford. This one is a short drive from Orlando and worth the jaunt. Listen in for our give-a-way on this episode.

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Be sure to check out our private Facebook group, "The Bourbon Roadies" for a great group of bourbon loving...

Feb 23, 2022

Another stop on Mike's Texas Road Trip brings him to Garrison Brothers Distillery in Hye Texas. Listen in as Mike sits down with their Master Distiller and tastes his way through several expressions. They even enjoy some little Salt Lick Barbeque with a cocktail.

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Feb 21, 2022

Today Jim and Mike check out the 114 proof rye whiskey from Old Overholt. If you haven't tried this one before you definitetly want to listen in to this episode. This higher proof rye whiskey from Beam might suprise you.

Be sure to check out our private Facebook group, "The Bourbon Roadies"...

Feb 16, 2022

The first stop on Mike's 2022 Texas Tour is a great one. He sits down with Markus Kypreos of BlackLands Distillery and Derrick Walker of Smoke-A-Holics BBQ. A great day of amazing whiskey and barbeque on this episode! Don't miss it.

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Feb 14, 2022

With St. Patricks Day just around the corner, Jim and Mike check out an Irish Whiskey with an American story. Listen in as they taste the Fighting 69th Irish Whiskey and discuss the amazing history behind the famous Irish Regiment.

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